Sunday, September 30, 2007


Apparently even though we had a great cat sitter stopping to play with and feed Roger, he missed us immensely, as you can see.---->
He has been especially affectionate since our return and even has some mild seperation anxiety. I just got these pictures downloaded from the camera. I don't care if I seem like one of those creepy people who treat their animals like kids. He's too darn cute not to brag about!
<-----We don't know how he got there but he apparently decided that Chris's bicep is a force to be reconned with:

Finally was able to get some video of him as well. My favorite is below. Notice how he goes about getting my attention, leading me to his toy and then decides that gnawing on my hand is more fun than the toy...

If you're intersted, more pictures here, videos here.


The Non-Ant said...

Gosh - I cant believe how much you talk about your pet. I mean, you treat him like he is human. What's wrong with you? I really have no idea how you could be SO attached...

Wow. I couldn't even articulate that blasphemy, so foreign it is to me.

So who won? Chris's bicep, or D?

ButterflySunshine said...

Check out this postcoard on postsecret.

The Non-Ant said...

Me too! Because they are so dependent, and the fact that they are homeless probably means that some horrible owner kicked them out of the house, when all the little doggie/kitty wanted to do was love them. :( People make choices - animals don't.