Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Untraditional Family

Over the holiday weekend Mom and I drove out to Ocala for some family time with the Pratts who I lovingly refer to as my pseudo-family.

The orignal intention was to have a game night. In the end we just had good food and hung out. We went to the Quary by Hannah's school and were eaten alive by massive mosquitos :)

We also played some 6 player Euchre. At 11pm when we were still there, we decided to stay the night rather than drive the 1.5 hours back. With that settled I wound up staying up until 4am chatting with the adults (the kids all went to bed, pansies!). We talked about all sorts of things including how incredibly luck I am to have grown up with such an odd but tight support group around me. We talked about politics, religion just a little and all sorts of crazy things. It was particularly nice to spend so much time with Alan in particular. All in all it was a great time, one of those nights I'll never forget.
There seems to be a trend where I spend Labor day with the Pratts. Two years ago I went to Naples with Megan - another time that I will never forget.

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