All that said - here are the results so far. The amendment results aren't for sure yet since not all county's have reported in yet. Governor still isn't in, Scott is in the lead by 3% but I still have my fingers crossed for Sink.
We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what impact there has been to the balance in Congress overall.
- Senate REP - Marco Rubio
- House (24) REP - Sandy Adams
- Governor Still Unknown
- Attorney General REP - Pam Bondi
- CFO REP - Jeff Atwater
- Agriculture REP - Adam Putname
- State Rep (38) REP - Bryan Nelson
- Supreme Court All - Yes to retain
- District Appeals All - Yes to retain
- Mayor Orange County Teresa Jacobs (REP but couldn't verify)
- No 1 : No - 61% Repeal of public campaign financing requirement
- No 2 : Yes - 78% Homestead ad valorem tax credit for deployed military
- No 4 : No - 67% Land Use
- No 5 : Yes - 62% Legistlative redistricting
- No 6 : Yes - 62% Congressional redistricting
- No 8 L Null result - 55% yes, but 60% needed Revision of class size for public schools
- Yes - 72% Balancing the Federal budget
- Yes - 55% Orange County School Ad Valorem Millage
Here are a few resources for checking the results in your district:
- Orlando Sentinel
- Election Watcher - this is handy for all elections, you can create an account and add your favorite candidates to receive updates or see a view of just them when you return.
- Google News - on an election night they put up a nifty gadget that allows you to hover over a map to see the major results in the districts.
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