Monday, November 12, 2007

Wise or Otherwise

We had a family game night on Sunday. We played a new one that John(ny) found at G-mart called Wise and Otherwise. It's basically a version of Balderdash only instead of making up definitions you have to finish an old proverb.

We had a lot of fun. Here are some of the Proverbs we found and our versions of them:

Money is hundred-footed.

Chinese Proverb

Money is an earthquake in your pocket.


Money is like rice, hard to grow but quick to go.


A girl's love is like water in a basket.

Spanish Proverb

A girl's love is as sweet as honey, fragrant as roses and rough as sandpaper.


The world will not conquer him who is always rubbing his beard.

Hindu Proverb

The world will not conquer him who does not fear victory.


The world will not conquer him who conquers himself.


The world will not conquer him who prays on the cow.


Happy nations have no history.

Belgium Proverb

Drink or Run.

German Proverb

Eat what you can with your grandfather's fork.

Estonian Proverb

Coffee and lover are best when they are hot.

British Proverb

A mouth that has eaten salt can no longer eat unsalted.

African Proverb

A mouth that has eaten salt needs a drink of water.


Beware of squint eyed persons and buffaloes with outspread horns.

Siamese Proverb

Beware of squint eyed persons and curly haired dogs.


Beware of squint eyed persons and those who always have one hand behind their back.

(not sure who)

Overall the game was a lot of fun.

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