Friday, January 13, 2012

New Home Away from Home

I started a new contract mid-December which came with a new office. It's a really cool building and I'm lucky enough to sit on the ground floor right near the lobby. Not only does this mean I have a short walk to my desk, but I also get super duper vaulted ceilings. I sit in an area referred to as The Fishbowl because it is just a mini cubicle farm encased in glass. Above the fishbowl is a massive skylight and the backside is all windows that are literally on the water of the lake.

The fishbowl is inside the smaller box to the left, the red box is the skylight. I can walk about twenty paces and be on the back patio which leads to delightful walk around the lake. If I skip the patio and walk to the end of the building there is a full cafeteria with very reasonably priced food which includes a salad bar, sushi, sandwich bar and two hot meal stations.

I went through the building as a child with my grandfather and for school my mom had us sketch the building so it's nostalgic as well. Add that to the fact that I have several work buddies who sit in the building AND my consulting firm has a strong presence so I have firm buddies now it's an overall nice working environment.

Now if I could only wrap my head around my new job I'll be set! :) The new job is intense. I'm a Program Manager, managing the release schedule for a team that provides services to a massive composite of applications which support all of the reservations and sales for the business segment. There are so many moving parts and teams involved, I have much to learn. But I'm excited to have the challenge, it's like my brain is working out every day. The upside is that I can put in a solid 45 hours and be done (vs my last contract where 60 hours was a standard week) so I've actually had time to go to the gym, ride my bike, do Pilates and knit again! We'll see if this lasts but I'm really hoping so.

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